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Exterior blinds

Exterior blinds – modern shading solutions

Displayed 4 items
  • External blinds C80

    Před-okenních venkovních žaluzií je na trhu několik typů. Jedním z oblíbených modelů jsou bezesporu žaluzie C80. Lamely těchto žaluzií mají tvar písmene C a vyrábějí se z válcovaného hliníku.

  • External blinds Z90

    Žaluzie s označením Z90 jsou nejoblíbenějším a nejžádanějším typem pro rodinné domy a byty. Jejich největší výhodou je fakt, že tvar písmene Z do sebe dokonale zapadne a lamely se zcela uzavřou.

  • Venkovní žaluzie S90

    Připravujeme pro Vás - 11/2020

  • Venkovní žaluzie Z70

    Připravujeme pro Vás - 11/2020

Displayed 4 items

Have you thought about exterior blinds? You will get better regulation of room temperature, protection against weather conditions and no less important safety function. You can choose from many colours variants.

What are the benefits of exterior blinds?

  • Better regulation of room temperature
  • Decrease in the noise from the blinds (impressed rubber)
  • Decrease in the level of outside noise

Installation of exterior blinds you should left to the experts

The most information for us is in whch phase of building you are. The assembly may only be performed by a qualified professional employee.

If you have any questions about instalation our exterior blinds don't hesitate to contact us. 

How do we proceed when we measure exterior blinds?

The height and the width of our exterior blinds are always measured in a minimum of three places. Measurements are taken after the frame or window is fitted into the construction hole after completion of the outside and inside reveals, also including parapets. Like we said, the method of measurement is specific that we recommend to consult with our technician.



Poptat žaluzie